Kedves Olvasó!
Kedves Olvasó!
A soron következő hangszer az oboa, amely kettős nádnyelvű fafúvós hangszer. A hangszer elődei már az ókorban is ismertek voltak, oboával először a barokk korban találkozunk.
A mai zenemű Marcello D-moll oboaversenye. Marcello neve ismerős lehet a komolyzenét szerető közönségnek, hiszen mukássága révén helyet érdemelt a legnagyobb barokk zeneszerzők között.
Dear Reader,
The next instrument is the oboe, which is a double reed instrument. The oboe (or their ancestors) was known in the antiquity too, but it became popular in the era of the Baroque.
The music of the day is Marcello's Concerto for oboe in D minor. Alessandro Marcello was a very prominent composer of the Baroque era, and that's why he is known by many classical music fan.
Dear Reader,
The next instrument is the oboe, which is a double reed instrument. The oboe (or their ancestors) was known in the antiquity too, but it became popular in the era of the Baroque.
The music of the day is Marcello's Concerto for oboe in D minor. Alessandro Marcello was a very prominent composer of the Baroque era, and that's why he is known by many classical music fan.