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Ma George Gershwin zongoraveresenye kerül terítékre.
George Gershwin (született: Jacob Gershowitz) orosz származású, amerikai zeneszerző. Bár elsősorban jazzmuzsikus volt, de mégis komolyzenei munkássága tette világhírűvé, ő volt az első zeneszerző, aki jazzes hangzást vitt a komolyzenébe, ezáltal teljesen új hangzást adott a szimfónikus zenekarnak. A jazz-zenészek rengeteg művét jazz-ként is játszák, mind a mai napig.
Dear Readers,
George Gershwin is the next composer.
George Gershwin (born: Jacob Gershowitz) was an American composer whit Russian origins. He was primarily a jazz musician, but his classical music works took him the world fame. He was the first composer, who used jazz sounding in his composition, thus he gave a new sounding of the symphonic orchestra.
An interest: The jazz-musician play his work as jazz music up to this day.
Dear Readers,
George Gershwin is the next composer.
George Gershwin (born: Jacob Gershowitz) was an American composer whit Russian origins. He was primarily a jazz musician, but his classical music works took him the world fame. He was the first composer, who used jazz sounding in his composition, thus he gave a new sounding of the symphonic orchestra.
An interest: The jazz-musician play his work as jazz music up to this day.
George Gershwin: Piano Concerto in F major