Kedves Olvasó!
Bedřich Smetanát sokan ismerik, mint a cseh nemzeti zene megteremtőjét. Legismertebb műve a Hazám cimű szimfónikus költeményének Moldva tétele.
Ma G-moll zongoratrióját linkelem, a művet négyévesen meghalt lánya, Bedřiška emlékére írta.
Dear Reader,
Bedřich Smetana knows as the founder of the Czech national music. One of his most famous piece is The Moldau movement of his symphonic poem, My homeland.
I share his Piano trio in g minor. This piece composed for his daughter, Bedřiška memory, who died at four years old.
Dear Reader,
Bedřich Smetana knows as the founder of the Czech national music. One of his most famous piece is The Moldau movement of his symphonic poem, My homeland.
I share his Piano trio in g minor. This piece composed for his daughter, Bedřiška memory, who died at four years old.