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Johann Jakob Walther német, barokk zeneszerző és hegedűművész volt. Munkássága hatással volt Johann Sebastian Bachra is.
Életéről keveset tudunk, Witterda-ban született, Itália valamint a Német-Római Császárság területén tevékenykedett és ott is halt meg, Mainzba.
Dear Reader,
Johann Jakob Walther was a German, Baroque composer and violin player. His works affected to Johann Sebastian Bach.
We do not know a lot of information about his life, he was born in Witterda, worked at the area of Italy and the Holy Roman Empire, he died in Mainz.
Dear Reader,
Johann Jakob Walther was a German, Baroque composer and violin player. His works affected to Johann Sebastian Bach.
We do not know a lot of information about his life, he was born in Witterda, worked at the area of Italy and the Holy Roman Empire, he died in Mainz.