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A mai napon Agustín Pío Barrios paraguay-i zeneszerző és gitárművész Paraguay-i tánc című művét osztom meg. A művész a késő romantika korában élt, de zenéje barokkos elemeket is tartalmaz, illetve érezhető rajta a paraguay-i népzene hatása is.
Dear Reader,
Agustín Pío Barrios was a Paraguayan composer and guitarist, today, I share his Danza Paraguaya (Dance from Paraguay). The composer lived in the Romantic era, but his compositions exhibit Baroque-like traits, and his arts is influenced by Paraguayan folk music too.
Dear Reader,
Agustín Pío Barrios was a Paraguayan composer and guitarist, today, I share his Danza Paraguaya (Dance from Paraguay). The composer lived in the Romantic era, but his compositions exhibit Baroque-like traits, and his arts is influenced by Paraguayan folk music too.