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A mai napra Alexander Porfiryevich Borodinról írok pár gondolatot.
Borodin igencsak különleges zeneszerző, gyerekkorában nemcsak a zene, de a természettudományok is érdekelték. Sőt tulajdonképpen több tanulmányt folytatott természettudományos területen, mint zenében (legalábbis hivatalosan).
Tanult a szentpétervári Orvosi-Sebészeti Akadémián, ahol kitünetéssel végzet, majd két év múlva, már kémiából doktorált. Ezen a tudományterületen érte el legnagyobb tudományos sikereit. A diplomája után tanársegédi kinevezést kapott, majd 1860-ban részt vett a világ első kémiai témájú konferenciáján, Kahlsruheban, ahol Oroszországot rajta kívül, az akkor még fiatal Mengyelejev (a periódusos rendszer későbbi megalkotója) képviselte ezen a konferencián. 1864-ben professzori kinevezést kapott (szintén kémiából). Sőt Oroszországban mind a mai napig tanítják az ún. Borodin-egyenletet.
Kiemelkedő tudományos munkája mellett zenei munkássága is kiemelkedő. A XIX. század megkerülhetetlen orosz zeneszerzője, az Orosz ötök (magukat Újítóknak nevezték) tagja. Nemcsak orosz, de más európai zeneszerzőkkel is volt kapcsolata, többek között Liszt Ferenccel is levelező viszonyban állt, aki elismerte és támogatta zeneszerzői munkáját.
Dear Reader,
Today, I write about Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin.
Borodin was a very special composer, in his childhood, he interested in not only music, but natural science too. Moreover, he studied more natural science then music (at least formally).
He studied in the Medical–Surgical Academy in St Petersburg, and he took an honours degree, 2 years later, he doctored in chemistry. He reached the greatest scientific achievements in this field. After his graduation, he got a job as an Assistant Professor. In 1860, he participated the first conference of chemistry in Kahlsruhe, the other Russian chemist, who take part this conference was the young Mendeleev (he created the periodic table of the elements).
In 1864, he got a appointment as a professor (in the field of chemistry). Moreover, in Russia, the Borodin reaction is a taught chemical equation.
Besides his emergent scientific work, he was a great composer too. He was one of the unavoidable Russian composers of the XIX. century, and member of The Five. He liaised not only Russian, but European composers too, he was a pen pal of Liszt, who acknowledged and support his composer's work.
Dear Reader,
Today, I write about Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin.
Borodin was a very special composer, in his childhood, he interested in not only music, but natural science too. Moreover, he studied more natural science then music (at least formally).
He studied in the Medical–Surgical Academy in St Petersburg, and he took an honours degree, 2 years later, he doctored in chemistry. He reached the greatest scientific achievements in this field. After his graduation, he got a job as an Assistant Professor. In 1860, he participated the first conference of chemistry in Kahlsruhe, the other Russian chemist, who take part this conference was the young Mendeleev (he created the periodic table of the elements).
In 1864, he got a appointment as a professor (in the field of chemistry). Moreover, in Russia, the Borodin reaction is a taught chemical equation.
Besides his emergent scientific work, he was a great composer too. He was one of the unavoidable Russian composers of the XIX. century, and member of The Five. He liaised not only Russian, but European composers too, he was a pen pal of Liszt, who acknowledged and support his composer's work.