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A mai napra Clara Schumann 6 Soirées musicales (6 zenei est) című művét linklem.
Clara Schumannról már volt szó blogomban, ahol arról is írtam, hogy az egyik legtehetségesebb női zeneszerző volt és csak férje, Robert Schumann miatt nem kapott nagyobb figyelmet.
Dear Reader,
Today, I share Clara Schumann's 6 Soirées musicales.
I wrote about Clara Schumann, in that post, I mentioned, Clara Schumann was maybe the most talented women composer, but she did not have more attention, because her husband was Robert Schumann, who was a very prominent composer of the Romantic era.
Dear Reader,
Today, I share Clara Schumann's 6 Soirées musicales.
I wrote about Clara Schumann, in that post, I mentioned, Clara Schumann was maybe the most talented women composer, but she did not have more attention, because her husband was Robert Schumann, who was a very prominent composer of the Romantic era.