Kedves Olvasó!
Kedves Olvasó!
A mai napon Robert Schumann-nal foglakozok.
Robert Schumann a német romantika kiemelkedő szemályisége. Nemcsak zeneszerzőként, de zongoristaként is kiemelkedő volt, de nem tudott Liszt nyomába érni. Pedig mindent megtett ennek érdekében, még az ujjai közötti hártyát is elvágta és az ujjait naponta nyújtotta, hogy szélesebb tartományt tudjon lefogni a zongorán. Ennek eredményeként pályája végér lebénult a kezei, így késői műveit már felesége Clara Schumann mutatta be, aki szintén kiváló zongorista és zeneszerző volt.
A mai napra válsztott zene Schumann opus 44-es számű Esz-dúr zongoraötöse.
Dear Reader,
I write about Robert Schumann, today.
Robert Schumann was a prominent figure of the German Romanticism. He was not only a composer, but also a pianist too. He was a very good pianist, but not as good as Liszt. He did everything to became a better pianist, he cut across his finger cuticles and stretched his fingers, therefore his hands paralysed the end of his career, thus his late works were performed by his wife, Clara Schumann, who was also a good composer and pianist.
The music of the day is Schumann's Piano quintet in E flat major.
Dear Reader,
I write about Robert Schumann, today.
Robert Schumann was a prominent figure of the German Romanticism. He was not only a composer, but also a pianist too. He was a very good pianist, but not as good as Liszt. He did everything to became a better pianist, he cut across his finger cuticles and stretched his fingers, therefore his hands paralysed the end of his career, thus his late works were performed by his wife, Clara Schumann, who was also a good composer and pianist.
The music of the day is Schumann's Piano quintet in E flat major.