Kedves Olvasó!
Kedves Olvasó!
A mai bejegyzésben a magyar kortárszene egyik legkiemelkedőbb alakjával Eötvös Péterrel foglakozom.
Eötvös Pétert elsősorban operái tették világhírűvé, a legnagyobb operaházak rendeltek és rendelnek tőle még ma is operákat. Emellett szimfónikus művei is nagy népszerűségnek örvendenek, a legnagyobb zenekarok játszák illetve rendelnek tőle műveket.
Ma azonba kamarazenét osztok meg tőle. A Kosmos című művének két változata is létezik, az egyiket egy zongorára, a másikat két zongorára írta. Ma az utóbbi változatot linkelem.
Dear Reader,
I write about Péter Eötvös, who is one of the most prominent composer of the Hungarian contemporary music.
Eötvös became famous for his operas, the leading opera houses order operas from him. But his symphony compositions are also famous.
But I share chamber music, today. There are two versions of his Kosmos, there is a version for one piano and there is a version for two pianos. I share the last one.
Dear Reader,
I write about Péter Eötvös, who is one of the most prominent composer of the Hungarian contemporary music.
Eötvös became famous for his operas, the leading opera houses order operas from him. But his symphony compositions are also famous.
But I share chamber music, today. There are two versions of his Kosmos, there is a version for one piano and there is a version for two pianos. I share the last one.