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A következő három bejegyzésben az olasz impresszionista zene legkiemelkedőbb zeneszerzőjének, Ottorino Respighinek, három leghíresebb művét veszem terítékre.
Reshpighi igen sokoldalú művész volt, nemcsak zeneszerző, de hegedűművész, karmester és zenetudós is volt. Művészetére hatott Debussy, Richard Strauss és Rimszkij-Korszakov is.
A világhírt az 1916-ban írt Róma kútjai hozat meg számára, melyet a világ vezető zenekarai azonnal felvették repertoárjukba. Ennek a műnek a sikerén felbuzdulva írta meg a triológia másik két tagját, a Római fenyőit és a Római ünnepeket.
Dear Reader,
In the next three post will contain Ottorino Respighi's Roman trilogy. This three piece is the most famous works of the impressionist composer.
Respighi was a very many-sided composer, he was not only composer, he was violinist, conductor and musicologist too. Debussy, Richard Strauss and Rimsky-Korsakov affect hus music.
He acquired the world fame in 1916, when he present the Fountains of Rome, which piece was taken on the repertoire of the world leading orchestra in the same year. The hit of the Fountains of Rome inspired Respighi to composed the two other part of the trilogy.
Dear Reader,
In the next three post will contain Ottorino Respighi's Roman trilogy. This three piece is the most famous works of the impressionist composer.
Respighi was a very many-sided composer, he was not only composer, he was violinist, conductor and musicologist too. Debussy, Richard Strauss and Rimsky-Korsakov affect hus music.
He acquired the world fame in 1916, when he present the Fountains of Rome, which piece was taken on the repertoire of the world leading orchestra in the same year. The hit of the Fountains of Rome inspired Respighi to composed the two other part of the trilogy.
Respighi: Fountains of Rome